Friday, December 19, 2008

Vi ses, København!

It is my last night in København. It has been a fantastic semester and I thank you all for reading.

Hopefully I'll post again once I am back in Seattle and can digest a bit of what I have learned/experienced.

But now I have to go and hang out with my host brothers and watch the Colts (my host brothers LOVE the NFL) play (they broadcast a few games every week on Danish TV).

Vi ses (see you),


My host family and me: Ole, Søren, me, Simon, and Solveig.

p.s. It is my host mom, Solveig's, birthday today and because we have to leave for the airport at 5 a.m., birthday breakfast (as you saw the post for Søren's birthday) is at 4 a.m. Should be fun...

Saturday, December 6, 2008

We're Not So Different After All...

Of course I've been noticing all of the differences between American and Danish cultures during my time here and commenting on any interesting experiences I've had. Today though, I wanted to share a quick story that shows that we aren't really all that different...

I went on a bike ride with my host brother, Søren, today to see his gymnasium (Danish high school), just so he could show me where he studies and we could talk a bit about Danish education.

While walking past a classroom, Søren pointed into a window and said:

"See that back row? That's where all of the students sit who don't do their work and just are in class on their computers.

"And in the front. That's where you have all the kids who like the teacher and know everything," he said while making a gesture of raising his hand.

It's always good to know that slackers and suck-ups are international concepts.